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CT CombiTac uniq Header

CombiTac uniq - 满足极高要求的模块化连接器





  • 电流高达 600 A
  • 100,000 次插拔次数
  • 电源、信号、数据、热电偶、同轴、光纤以及液体和气体连接
  • 高度集成且结构紧凑的模块化连接器
  • 完全定制化
  • 可用于面板安装和外壳
  • 最高 ±4mm 的容差补偿

PV installations are expected to last reliably for more than 25 years. Therefore, when wiring the PV system, correct and safe assembly and crimping with qualified tools is key. Follow the step-by-step guidance through assembly and crimping for Stäubli solar connectors. By using the qualified tools by Stäubli for PV connector installation you enhance the quality of the PV DC connection.




  100,000 次插拔次数





CombiTac uniq 模块与触子

CombiTac uniq 系列包括多种连接类型,如最高可达600A的电源、信号、高达10Gbit数据、光纤、热电偶、气体和无泄漏液体模块。 

CT uniq Modules

CombiTac uniq 外壳和面板框架

CombiTac uniq 提供多种版本,用于面板安装或特定外壳,以满足您的要求。有不同尺寸的框架和多种塑料与铝制外壳供选择。

CT uniq Housing

电缆组件 - 即插即用



CT Home Cable Assembly



PV installations are expected to last reliably for more than 25 years. Therefore, when wiring the PV system, correct and safe assembly and crimping with qualified tools is key. Follow the step-by-step guidance through assembly and crimping for Stäubli solar connectors. By using the qualified tools by Stäubli for PV connector installation you enhance the quality of the PV DC connection.

CT direqt Documentation

CombiTac 文档

CombiTac 文档包括产品目录、安装说明和视频。